products reviews by customers

The reviews have arrived – and they are full of praise!

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Average Rating

“I’m hooked on the Mustard Curry Sauce myself, big fan!”

Kit, Internet Marketing Expert

Makes me feel as if I am enjoying a scrumptious dinner in Jamaica. The Mustard Curry flavor is delightful! Can’t get enough.

​(Business owner, Maryland)

Ferdinand, Business owner, Maryland

I love these Jamaican flavors in the Mustard Curry sauce with the spicy kick. My home is never without it!

Sharon Andrea, Attorney

“My BBQ’s would not be complete without the Tomato Turmeric sauce! I love it!”


Hannah + Janelle, Lawyer + Therapist

Wow! The Tomato Turmeric slather sauce is delicious! They certainly picked the right name – I slather it on everything

Rose, Retired

“I especially like the bold flavor of the Orange Teriyaki Ginger sauce, this has to be in my pantry at all times!”

Thelma, Business Owner

I served this while catering for the Ambassador and her vegan friends. They loved it! This is a winner!

Donovan, Restaurateur

Thanks Irresistible Vegan for a healthy & delectable sauce option.
